
Pastry Cream vanilla
1. In a saucepan, heat the milk and cream. Halve the vanilla beans lengthwise, scrape out the seeds, and add the seeds and pods to the saucepan to infuse for 20 minutes. 3. In a bowl, whisk the superfine sugar, custard powder, flour, and egg yolks until pale. 4. Strain the hot milk-cream-vanilla mixture through a conical sieve 5. then pour it over the egg yolk mixture. 6. Return to a clean saucepan and cook over medium heat for 2 minutes, until thick, whisking constantly. 7. Remove from the heat and add cocoa butter,

Sacher sponge cake
1. in a Kitchen Aid whip the egg whites and make a meringue with the superfine sugar. 2. Stir in the sifted mixture of confectioners’ sugar, ground almonds, cocoa powder, and flour. 3. Preheat the oven to 165ºC 4. Spread the cake batter over a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

In the bowl of an electric stand mixer, add the eggs, flour, butter, and sugar and blend. In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with a whisk, whip the egg yolks with half of the superfine sugar (1). Then, whip the egg whites with the other half. Using a silicone spatula, gently fold the mixture with the flour. In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, add the yeast, flour, salt, butter, and honey. Knead on the second speed setting, gradually adding the eggs and then the milk. Knead until the dough comes completely away from the sides of the bowl. Preheat the oven to 180°C. On a baking sheet, spread the batter to a thickness of 12 mm, sprinkle with superfine sugar (2) and confectioners’ sugar, and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Exotic Compote
1. boil in a sauce pan all the ingredient 2. place in insert 12cmØ or 3cmØ 3. place in freezer 4. reserve for use

panna cotta vanilla
1. gratte the vanilla bean 2. bloom the gelatine sheet 3. boil the milk, sugar and vanilla bean 4. add the gelatine 5. poor in the glass and let set

Honey Comb Tuile
melt the butter add honey, eggs white and flour place on silicone honeycomb mold bake few minute at 180 degree remove gently and place on a curve

Flan Patissier
Put the whipping cream and half of the milk in a pot and heat until boiling (For a fine vanilla-flavour, you can add freshly scratched vanilla from one pod before boiling) Mix in a bowl the cream powder, the sugar, the eggs and the rest of the milk Add the hot cream-milk-mix in the bowl and whisk during 2-3 minutes until the mix thickens Put the dough as base in moulds (diameter of your choice) Put the Flan filling on the dough base, fill completely Bake for 25 minutes at 250 °C Let cool down the Flan before cutting

Caramel Filling
1. make a dry caramel 2. decuire with the cream and trimoline 3. add the dry butter 4. add vanilla 5. place in chiller to set and cool down

Pastry Cream Salted Caramel
1. make a dry caramel with the sugar 2. add the cream to stop caramel to burn the the butter 3. add gelatine bloom 4. add the mascarpone and mix well 5. add fleur de sel (salt) *gelatine: use fish gelatine powder *2 gr gelatine powder for 12 gr water, boil the water and add gelatine. reserve in chiller to set completly

Pastry Cream Framboise Choco
1. boil in a sauce pan the raspberry puree and the milk 2. mix the eggs yolk with sugar and add the starch 3. add the butter and the chcolate couverture white 4. place in kitchenaid with padle and mix slowly to cool down 5. reseve in chiller

Confit Mango Passion
1. in a sauce pan, add fruit puree glucose and 50%of the sugar 2. start boilling slowly 3. mix remaining 50% sugar and pectine 4. add it to the fruit puree 5. keep boiling for few minute and add vanilla & lemon juice 6. stop the cooking and transfer the puree to a container cool down and reserve foe use * lemon juice can be replace with citric acide same quantity

eggs wash sweet
1. mix all the ingredient with hand blinder 2. keep chill in storage 1-2 day maximum 3. aplying gently to croissant or any type of vienoiserie

Organic Cereal Bar
1. place the honey, glucose, and coconut sugar in a sauce pan 2. boil to 103 and add coconut oil 3. add all the cereal, raisin, dry apricot 4. mix well and place on parchemin paper between bar 1-2cm 5. press the cereal bar and let cool down 6. cut to desired size

home made pistachio paste
1. toast pistachio nut in oven at 150ºC for 20mn 2. blend the nut in robot-coupe to a complete paste 3. add pistachio oil or vevetable oil 4. keep mixing until comp;ete creamy texture 5. reserve in chiller
Neutral glaze
1. in a sauce pan, Add water, glucose, sugar and lemon juice 2. boil 3. add the second part of sugar and pectine nh 4. boil again 5. set a side to cool down and place in container\ 6. place in chiller

Peanut paste
1. Toast the peanut in oven at 150ºC for 8-10mn 2. Cool Down 3. Mix in food processor and add the sugar and oil 4. Keep in room temperature

Caramel Chantilly
1.Make a dry caramel and add the cream 2. Cool down to 50ºC and add the gelatine bloom 3. Add the mascarpone cheese 4. Keep in chiller 12 hour 5. Wisk gently to make the Chantilly

Flan Vanilla Bourbon
1. Boil the milk,cream and gratted vanilla bean 2. mix the eggs yolk, eggs and sugar 3. Add the pastry cream powder 4. Pour the boiling milk into the eggs 5. Place the custard on the sauce and cook to get a smooth texture Note: prepare a 16cmØ genoise mould with pate brise or puff pastry place the flan in oven at 170 for 50-60mn cool down and glaze the top

Pâte de fruit stawberry
1. Pour the fruit pulps into a sauce pan. 2. Mix the yellow pectin with the 150 g of sugar, without liquid, then pour this mixture into the lukewarm fruit purees at 50°C. 3. Whisk to prevent the formation of lumps of pectin. 4. Allow the pectin to swell for a few seconds then fold in the crystal sugar and the glucose syrup, Bring to the boil, then remove the foam that forms on the surface. 5. Cook the fruit jelly at between 105 and 106°C. Note: Stir from time to time to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the sauce pan 6. At the end of cooking and away from the heat, fold in the tartric acid. 7. Pour into a stainless steel frame, pre-lined with a sheet of cooking paper. 8. Sprinkle lightly with crystal sugar, then leave to cool for 24 hours. 9. Remove from the frame and take out the sheet of cooking paper, 10. Cut some blackcurrant passion fruit jelly into 1cm cubes using a guitar cutter. 11. Coat the fruit jellies in crystal sugar, Shake off any excess using a sieve. 12. Arrange the fruit jellies in candy boxes.

1. Start by mixing the flours together. 2. Next, incorporate the butter into the flour. This is easiest done by hand. 3. Rub the flour into the butter. 4. Next, dissolve the salt into the water 5. Pour the water into the flour and butter 6. Mix the dough for several minute. Once the dough comes together, Place on chiller tray giving a square shape 25x25cm Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour. 7. While the dough is chilling, start the other half of the puff pastry, the butter. note: Puff pastry is essentially 50% butter. European style butter is what you want. (dry butter) 8. Using a spatula, spread the butter into the rectangle on the parchment paper. Try to keep the thickness as even as possible. Refrigerate the butter for 30 minutes. 9. Take your cold dough and butter and let place it on top of the dough 10. On a lightly floured counter, place your dough on the front of you If its not quite square, stretch it until it is. Using a rolling pin, roll out the tips of the corners so they are slightly elongated, leaving the center slightly thicker. 11. Before rolling the dough out, use the rolling pin and press the dough in 3 sections from top to bottom. Then turn the a quarter and do the same. This helps squash the dough before rolling a thick piece. 12. Next you're going to roll out the dough until it is about 4 times taller than it is wide. 13. Roll the dough in 3 sections starting from the top. Roll down about 1/3 of the way with about 80% pressure, then roll it back up to the top with about 50% pressure. Repeat that starting about 1/3 of the way down, working your way to the bottom. When you get to the very bottom, don't roll over the bottom edge, you don't want the butter to squeeze out. Just go over it lightly. Don't forget to add some flour on the table if you do by hand note: If at any time, if the dough starts to become soft and warm, refrigerate it for a while before continuing with your recipe. Sprinkle a little flour on the surface, fold it up and throw it in the fridge. 14. Once the dough is long enough, fold the top half down to the middle and the bottom half up to the middle. 15. Then take the top half and fold it over the bottom half. You should now have a stack of 4 layers, this was your 1st fold. 16. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 17. You've just created 12 layers, when you are done, you will have hundreds. 18. Once your dough is chilled, let it warm for 5 minutes and lay it out so it is the same orientation as a book, with the opening on the right. 19. Next, you are going to repeat the whole process again starting with pressing on the dough with the rolling pin. After each roll and fold, make sure you refrigerate the dough. The dough must stay cold. 20. You want to do this 4 times. On the 4th time, trim the edges of the dough so everything is square and fold it for the last time. Cut the dough into 3 equal pieces the same direction as the fold. note: You want to use a course sugar like demerara or granulated. DO NOT use bakers, caster, or ultra-fine sugar. These sugars will absorb moisture too fast and turn to syrup before you can finish. 21. sprinkle some sugar about the exact shape of your dough. Then take your dough and lay it on top of the sugar. Run your rolling pin over the dough to push the sugar into the dough. Next, sprinkle sugar on the top of the dough. Run your rolling pin over the dough again to press the sugar into the dough. 22. With your dough fully sugared, fold the long left side of the dough to the middle followed by the right side of the dough to the middle. Don't bring the two edges together, leave a slight gap to allow for a little puff. Run your rolling pin over the dough again to press the dough together, adding a little more sugar if you think it needs it. 23. Next, repeat the last step by bringing the left edge to the center and the right edge to the center. Again, leave a slight gap between the two. Using a pastry brush, brush off any loose sugar on the top of the dough, as much as will come of with the brush. You want good dough to dough contact for the next step. Run your rolling pin over the top one last time. 24. Now, take your egg white, whisked if you already haven't, and brush a small amount on the right side if the dough, not too much. You don't want it dripping. Consider this a glue for the dough. Next, fold the left side onto the right side with the egg whites. Do one last press with the rolling pin across the top to seal everything. Square the edges if needed by slicing a small piece from the ends 25. Place a tray of palmiers in the oven and reduce the temperature to 200ºC Bake 8-10 minutes or until the bottoms become caramelized. 26. Flip the palmiers over and bake until the new bottoms are caramelized and the dough is baked throughout, about 10 minutes. note: Allow them to cool on a rack but remove them from the sheet while still warm. Store them in an airtight container for up to 4 days.