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Prepare the dry ingredients: In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. This helps to aerate the flour and avoid lumps. Cream the butter and sugar: Using a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the wet ingredients: Add the egg and buttermilk to the butter-sugar mixture. Mix until well combined. Combine wet and dry ingredients: Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture. Mix until just combined to avoid overworking the dough. Rest the dough: Let the dough rest for 5 minutes. Roll out the dough: Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 13 mm (1/2 inch). Cut out the scones: Use a 6 cm (2.5-inch) round cutter to cut out scones from the dough. Place them upside down on a baking sheet lined with silicone baking mats or parchment paper. Glaze the scones:

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Tuscan Schiacciata Bread

Make the pre-fermented dough. Mix together water, flour and yeast. Let sit for 6-12 hours, preferably overnight. Make the schiacciata dough. In a large bowl, combine the pre-fermented dough along with 500 grams flour, 250 grams water and 6 grams salt. Mix until a shaggy dough forms, then knead with your hands until the dough is smooth and elastic but still slightly sticky, 5-10 minutes. If the dough seems very sticky and isn't coming together, add a little more flour. Add a good drizzle of olive oil to the bowl and turn the ball of dough to coat well. Then cover with a damp kitchen towel and allow to rise for two hours, folding the dough over on itself a few times every 30 minutes for this first rise. Drizzle a sheet pan with a generous amount of olive oil. Then stretch the risen dough out onto the sheet pan, doing your best to make it reach all the corners and sides. If you're having trouble stretching the dough (it's very elastic), let it rest for about 5 minutes between stretches. Cover the stretched dough with plastic wrap or a damp kitchen towel and allow to rise again, 2 hours.  While the dough is rising, preheat oven to 450. Once risen, use your fingertips to dimple the dough. Then coat it in another generous amount of olive oil and sprinkle with flaky sea salt. Bake the dough for 20-25 minutes, until it is golden brown and the bottom is nice and crusty. Allow it to cool in the pan for 10 minutes before slicing into squares and then slicing across to make sandwiches.

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Pastry Cream vanilla

1. In a saucepan, heat the milk and cream. Halve the vanilla beans lengthwise, scrape out the seeds, and add the seeds and pods to the saucepan to infuse for 20 minutes. 3. In a bowl, whisk the superfine sugar, custard powder, flour, and egg yolks until pale. 4. Strain the hot milk-cream-vanilla mixture through a conical sieve 5. then pour it over the egg yolk mixture. 6. Return to a clean saucepan and cook over medium heat for 2 minutes, until thick, whisking constantly. 7. Remove from the heat and add cocoa butter,  

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Sacher sponge cake

1. in a Kitchen Aid whip the egg whites and make a meringue with the superfine sugar. 2. Stir in the sifted mixture of confectioners’ sugar, ground almonds, cocoa powder, and flour. 3. Preheat the oven to 165ºC 4. Spread the cake batter over a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.  

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In the bowl of an electric stand mixer, add the eggs, flour, butter, and sugar and blend. In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with a whisk, whip the egg yolks with half of the superfine sugar (1). Then, whip the egg whites with the other half. Using a silicone spatula, gently fold the mixture with the flour. In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, add the yeast, flour, salt, butter, and honey. Knead on the second speed setting, gradually adding the eggs and then the milk. Knead until the dough comes completely away from the sides of the bowl. Preheat the oven to 180°C. On a baking sheet, spread the batter to a thickness of 12 mm, sprinkle with superfine sugar (2) and confectioners’ sugar, and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

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croissant Cedric Grolet

in stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, add the flour, salt, sugar, yeast, eggs, and milk, and mix on the first speed setting for 35 minutes. Add the butter and mix on the second speed setting for 8 minutes. Cover the dough with a wet cloth and let rise for 1 hour at room temperature. IPunch down the dough by hand, then roll it out to the width of the dry butter and double its length. Freeze for 5 minutes, then refrigerate for 15 minutes. Place the dry butter in the middle of the dough and fold over the edge of the dough on each side. Place butter side up. Using a rolling pin, make a double turn: Roll from top to bottom to a thickness of about 1⁄4 inch (7 mm). Make a slight mark in the middle of the dough, fold the top and bottom to this midpoint, and fold the dough in half again like a wallet. Refrigerate for 10 minutes. Finally, do a simple turn: Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3⁄8 inch (1 cm), fold the top third of the dough down, and then fold the bottom third over the top. Roll out to a thickness of 1⁄8 inch (3.5 mm).

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Exotic Compote

1. boil in a sauce pan all the ingredient 2. place in insert 12cmØ or 3cmØ 3. place in freezer 4. reserve for use

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panna cotta vanilla

1. gratte the vanilla bean 2. bloom the gelatine sheet 3. boil the milk, sugar and vanilla bean 4. add the gelatine 5. poor in the glass and let set

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Honey Comb Tuile

melt the butter add honey, eggs white and flour place on silicone honeycomb mold bake few minute at 180 degree remove gently and place on a curve 

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Norvegian Bread

15 minutes at low speed with all ingredients Add the Bassinage water at low speed during 2-3 minutes Temperature of the dough at the end of kneading 25°C 1 or 1 .5 kg of dough and put in moulds REST 1 hour Coat with seeds Put in the oven at 235°C and bake at decreasing temperature for approx . 1 hour

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Flan Patissier

Put the whipping cream and half of the milk in a pot and heat until boiling (For a fine vanilla-flavour, you can add freshly scratched vanilla from one pod before boiling) Mix in a bowl the cream powder, the sugar, the eggs and the rest of the milk Add the hot cream-milk-mix in the bowl and whisk during 2-3 minutes until the mix thickens Put the dough as base in moulds (diameter of your choice) Put the Flan filling on the dough base, fill completely Bake for 25 minutes at 250 °C Let cool down the Flan before cutting

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Babka Filling

1. Mix the ingredients of the Babka Mix except the chocolate drops/hazelnuts

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German pretzels

temperature base 24ºC 1. place all the cold ingredient in mixer 2. mix 3-4 mn 1st speed 3. mix 8mn 2nd speed 4. check temperature, need to be 24ºC 5. rest the dough in container for 20-30mn 6. cut 150gr paton 7. shape the dough to a pretzel  8. proof 10mn 9. deep the pretzel in coustic acid 10. cut the pretzel on top 11. proof 10 more mn and bake at 200ºC for 12mn 12. cool down on rack  

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Pasta dough

1. mix all ingredient in KitchainAid for few minute until all are conbine together 2. use pasta dough machine and roll to get a nice sough dough 3. place in chiller for 1-2 hour to rest the dough 4. rool the dough again to the tickness desired

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Tradition French baguette

autolyze 1. mix the flour and water in your mixer until flour absorbed all the water, aproximative 2-3mn 2. stop and cover your dough for 1 hour 3. start mixing dough and add liquid starter for 4mn low speed 4. add salt and yeast and mix in second speed for 4-6mn 5. temperature 24ºC 6. rest the dough in a container for 1 hour 7. do some fold to give force and got better development 8. rest for one more hour 9. divide you dough to 350gr paton 10. rest 20mn on wooden table and cover 11. shape ypur baguette 50-60cm and place on bakery linen 12. you can proof you baguette at 19ºC for 3 hour or place in retarder proofer for 16 hour 13. score your baguette and bake at 250ºC for 20mn 14. remove from oven and place on rack to cool down

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Caramel Filling

1. make a dry caramel 2. decuire with the cream and trimoline 3. add the dry butter 4. add vanilla 5. place in chiller to set and cool down

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Apple Espuma

1. warm the cream and brown sugar 2. add gelatine sheet and cointreau 3. add apple juice and vanilla bean 5. place in syphon and 2 cartridge co2 6. place in chiller 2 hours

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Ravioli Ricotta filling

1. grated the parmesan cheese 2. place the ricotta cheese and all the ingredient in a bowl 3. mix gently and place the filling in a piping bag 4. reserve in chiller

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Pizza Sauce

1. place water in a sauce pan and boil water at 100 ̊C 2. place the tomato for few second and remove to place in ice water 3. peel the tomato skin 4. remove the seed 5. cut tomato in brunoise 6. chop onion and garlic and caramelized in a sauce pan with olive oil 7. add the tomato and cook for few minute 8. add concentred tomato 9. seasoning with sal and pepper

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Pasta Dough

1. mix all the ingredient together for 5mn 2. place in plastic film to rest for 1 hour 3. start the lamination by rooling the dough to get the pasta texture 4. rool the past dough 1-1.5mm tickness

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1. make a Roux, place butter and flour on a sauce pan low temperature 2. when butter and flour are mix togeter, add the milk slowly 3. increase heat 4. complete the milk in the sauce pan 5. ticken the panade 6. seasoning the bechamel. Add salt and pepper, filally the nutmeg

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Pastry Cream Salted Caramel

1. make a dry caramel with the sugar 2. add the cream to stop caramel to burn the the butter 3. add gelatine bloom 4. add the mascarpone and mix well 5. add fleur de sel (salt) *gelatine: use fish gelatine powder  *2 gr gelatine powder for 12 gr water, boil the water and add gelatine. reserve in chiller to set completly    

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Pastry Cream Framboise Choco

1. boil in a sauce pan the raspberry puree and the milk 2. mix the eggs yolk with sugar and add the starch 3. add the butter and the chcolate couverture white 4. place in kitchenaid with padle and mix slowly to cool down 5. reseve in chiller

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Confit Mango Passion

1. in a sauce pan, add fruit puree glucose and 50%of the sugar 2. start boilling slowly 3. mix remaining 50% sugar and pectine 4. add it to the fruit puree 5. keep boiling for few minute and add vanilla & lemon juice 6. stop the cooking and transfer the puree to a container cool down and reserve foe use * lemon juice can be replace with citric acide same quantity

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eggs wash sweet

1. mix all the ingredient with hand blinder 2. keep chill in storage 1-2 day maximum 3. aplying gently to croissant or any type of vienoiserie

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Organic Cereal Bar

1. place the honey, glucose, and coconut sugar in a sauce pan 2. boil to 103 and add coconut oil 3. add all the cereal, raisin, dry apricot 4. mix well and place on parchemin paper between bar 1-2cm  5. press the cereal bar and let cool down 6. cut to desired size

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home made pistachio paste

1. toast pistachio nut in oven at 150ºC for 20mn 2. blend the nut in robot-coupe to a complete paste 3. add pistachio oil or vevetable oil 4. keep mixing until comp;ete creamy texture 5. reserve in chiller

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Neutral glaze

1. in a sauce pan, Add water, glucose, sugar and lemon juice 2. boil 3. add the second part of sugar and pectine nh 4. boil again 5. set a side to cool down and place in container\ 6. place in chiller

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Peanut paste

1. Toast the peanut in oven at 150ºC for 8-10mn 2. Cool Down 3. Mix in food processor and add the sugar and oil 4. Keep in room temperature  

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Caramel Chantilly

1.Make a dry caramel and add the cream 2. Cool down to 50ºC and add the gelatine bloom 3. Add the mascarpone cheese 4. Keep in chiller 12 hour 5. Wisk gently to make the Chantilly

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Flan Vanilla Bourbon

1. Boil the milk,cream and gratted vanilla bean 2. mix the eggs yolk, eggs and sugar 3. Add the pastry cream powder 4. Pour the boiling milk into the eggs  5. Place the custard on the sauce and cook to get a smooth texture Note: prepare a 16cmØ genoise mould with pate brise or puff pastry place the flan in oven at 170 for 50-60mn cool down and glaze the top