
Soak gelatine in cold water In a sauce pan or microwave, melted the gelatine with white vinegar. Incorporate the gelatine mass tonthe icing sugar and starch Mix until getting a smooth paste Cover with a wet tissue to avoid been dry I’d wrapped with clean film

Korean Walnut Cake (Hodugwaja)
Mix the flour, baking powder, and sugar together. Beat an egg in a large mixing bowl. Add water and milk to the beaten egg. Then add the melted butter and flour mixture and mix well. Move batter to an easy pour container. Combine about 1/2 teaspoon red bean paste with some chopped walnuts and form a ball. Preheat hodugwaja pan (both sides). Keep heat at medium. Brush oil on the both sides of the pan (inside part of pan). When pan is hot, pour a small amount of batter to the preheated pan (about halfway in each mold). Quickly add the red bean paste balls. pour some more batter over the top. Close and quickly flip the pan. Cook for about 30 seconds and turn the pan over again. Repeat turning the pan and cooking. Cook until they’re golden brown on each side. It took a total of 3 to 4 minutes for me. Trim the edges off and cool on a cooling rack or serve them right away.

syrup chart
explaination on density of sugar and water for syrup