
Pasta dough
1. mix all ingredient in KitchainAid for few minute until all are conbine together 2. use pasta dough machine and roll to get a nice sough dough 3. place in chiller for 1-2 hour to rest the dough 4. rool the dough again to the tickness desired

Ravioli Ricotta filling
1. grated the parmesan cheese 2. place the ricotta cheese and all the ingredient in a bowl 3. mix gently and place the filling in a piping bag 4. reserve in chiller

Pizza Sauce
1. place water in a sauce pan and boil water at 100 ̊C 2. place the tomato for few second and remove to place in ice water 3. peel the tomato skin 4. remove the seed 5. cut tomato in brunoise 6. chop onion and garlic and caramelized in a sauce pan with olive oil 7. add the tomato and cook for few minute 8. add concentred tomato 9. seasoning with sal and pepper

Pasta Dough
1. mix all the ingredient together for 5mn 2. place in plastic film to rest for 1 hour 3. start the lamination by rooling the dough to get the pasta texture 4. rool the past dough 1-1.5mm tickness

1. make a Roux, place butter and flour on a sauce pan low temperature 2. when butter and flour are mix togeter, add the milk slowly 3. increase heat 4. complete the milk in the sauce pan 5. ticken the panade 6. seasoning the bechamel. Add salt and pepper, filally the nutmeg

tuna ice cream
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Mix cream, milk, sugar and eggs together. Heat to 28 °C and allow to cool slightly. Stir in remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into a pacotizing beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize twice Hint: Season with some yuzu juice and Noilly Prat.

Pesto Paste (Pacojet)
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Blanch basil in boiling water and immediately cool in ice water. Remove from water, squeeze out well, chop roughly and place with remaining ingredients in a pacotizing beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize twice as needed