
Apple Espuma
1. warm the cream and brown sugar 2. add gelatine sheet and cointreau 3. add apple juice and vanilla bean 5. place in syphon and 2 cartridge co2 6. place in chiller 2 hours

Caviar Honey
Put a glass of vegetable oil in the freezer for 30min. In a pan, mix the water, honey and agar-agar. Bring to a boil. Pour the honey mixture nto a bowl and fill a pipette or a cooking syringe. Dribble honey into the cold oil glass. If using a syringe, hold it parallel to the table. Using a pierced spoon, collect the pearls thus formed and put them in a bowl of water to rinse. Serve on desired dish.

Beetroot Meringue
Make a syrup with first part of sugar and water In a mixing bowl, add second part of water, beetroot, eggs white powder the syrup made early Mix with the wisk and add Xantana gum Poch in a tray and keep 48 hour in dehydrator at 50ºC

egg molecular
1. Make the alginate bath, dissolve the sodium alginate in 2 cups of water with a hand blender or an egg beater. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. 2. In a pan, mix the milk and agar-agar. Bring to a boil. 3. Add milk preparation to yogurt and stir well. 4. Pour the yogurt over a plate twice successively to create the shape of a sunny-side up egg white. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. 5. In a blender, puree the mango, sugar and calcium lactate. 6. Using a measuring spoon, deposit mango puree into the alginate bath. Let sit for 3 minutes. 7. Pick up the “egg yolks” with a pierced spoon and rinse them in a bowl of water. 8. Place the “yolks” on the “whites” and season with chocolate powder if desired.

yogurt ravioles spherification
1. Make the alginate bath, dissolve the sodium alginate in 2 cups of water with a hand blender or an egg beater. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. 2. In an other bowl,dissolve the calcium lactate in the yogurt, stirring with a spoon. 3. Using a measuring spoon, deposit small quantities of the yogurt mixture into the alginate bath. Let sit for 3 minutes. 4. Pick up the ravioles with a pierced spoon and rinse them in a bowl of water. Please note: Gently turn your spheres during the bath so they can jellify equally. Normally, 3 minutes in the alginate bath is enough to be able to manipulate a sphere without piercing it. The longer the sphere stays in the bath, the thicker the gel membrane will be. Make sure the spheres do not touch each other in the bath as if they touch they will stick together.

spaguetti fruit puree
Add water fruit puree and agar-agar to a sauce pan. boil up to 86ºC to allow agar-agar to set later use a seringue and a flextube to fill the puree. Plonge in ice water for few minute use a empty seringue to push air trough out the flexitube and extract the spaguetti keep the spaguetti in a flat tray to keep one piece