
Sorbet Griottes & Porto
In a sauce pan, add all the ingredient to a boil Place in the beater Pacojet at place in freezer

Chocolate Sorbet
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Mix water, sugar and cocoa powder together and bring to a boil. Pour mixture over chopped chocolate and stir. Pour into a pacotizing beaker and allow to cool. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize twice as needed

Green Apple Lamb’s Lettuce Spinach Sorbet
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Place spinach and lamb's lettuce in a pacotizing beaker and process once with the 4-blade cutter. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well. Place in a pacotizing beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize

Ginger Cinnamon Hibiscus Ice Cream
Mix cream, milk, eggs and sugar well. Heat up to 82°C, constantly stirring. Stir in hibiscus syrup and white chocolate. Add cinnamon sticks and hibiscus blossems steep for 20 mintues Remove cinnamon sticks and hibiscus blossems. Peal and grate ginger and add to the mixture, to taste. Fill into a beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours.

Yogurt Ice Cream (Pacojet)
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Mix all ingredients together and pour into a pacotizing beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize

Pisctachio Ice Cream (Pacojet)
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Mix all ingredients together, heat to 82 °C and stir until thick. Place in a pacotizing beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, abel and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize

Strawberry Ice Cream (Pacojet)
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Bring cream and sugar to a boil, allow to cool for a few minutes and mix with remaining ingredients. Strain and pour into a pacotizing beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, abel and (3) freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize

Vanilla Ice-Cream (pacojet)
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Scrape out vanilla pod, mix pulp and pod with the remaining ingredients. heat to 82 °C and stir until thick. Remove pod and pour the mixture into a pacotizing beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize

Milk Chocolate Ice Cream (Pacojet)
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Mix sugar, milk, cream and eggs well together and heat to 82 °C. Add chopped chocolate, stir and pour into a pacotizing beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize twice as needed

chocolate sorbet
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker Mix and bring water, sugar and cocoa to a boil. Pour over the chopped chocolate and stir. Place in a pacotizing beaker and allow to cool. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize twice

Hybiscus Ice Cream (Pacojet)
Step 1: Fill the pacotizing® beaker Mix cream, milk, eggs and sugar well. Heat up to 82°C, constantly stirring. Stir in hibiscus syrup and white chocolate. hibiscus tea, steep for 20 mintues and remove hibiscus Peal and grate ginger and add to the mixture, to taste. Fill into a pacotizing beaker. Step 2: Freeze Seal the pacotizing® beaker, label and freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hours. Step 3: Pacotize

blackcurrant sorbet (pacojet)
Heat the water to 45°C. Add the combined dry ingredients while stirring vigorously and mix. Pasteurize at 85°C, mix. Cool rapidly to +4°C. Add the purée and mix. Leave to mature for 24 hours. Mix and fill the Pacojet bowls, deep freeze. Pacotize before the service, store at -18°C. Brix: tolerance +/-2 (tolerence +/-3 for 100% purées).

Lemon Sorbet (Pacojet)
Heat the water (with olive oil for vegetables) to 45°C. Add the combined dry ingredients while stirring vigorously and mix. Pasteurize at 85°C, mix. Cool rapidly to +4°C. Add the purée and mix. Leave to mature for 24 hours. Mix and fill the Pacojet bowls, deep freeze. Pacotize before the service, store at -18°C. Brix: tolerance +/-2 (tolerence +/-3 for 100% purées).

Beetroot Sorbet (Pacojet)
Heat the water (with olive oil for vegetables) to 45°C. Add the combined dry ingredients while stirring vigorously and mix. Pasteurize at 85°C, mix. Cool rapidly to +4°C. Add the purée and mix. Leave to mature for 24 hours. Mix and fill the Pacojet bowls, deep freeze. Pacotize before the service, store at -18°C. Brix: tolerance +/-2 (tolerence +/-3 for 100% purées).

Banana Sorbet (Pacojet)
Heat the water to 45°C. Add the combined dry ingredients while stirring vigorously and mix. Pasteurize at 85°C, mix. Cool rapidly to +4°C. Add the purée and mix. Leave to mature for 24 hours. Mix and fill the Pacojet bowls, deep freeze. Pacotize before the service, store at -18°C. Brix: tolerance +/-2 (tolerence +/-3 for 100% purées).

PineappleSorbet (Pacojet)
Heat the water to 45°C. Add the combined dry ingredients while stirring vigorously and mix. Pasteurize at 85°C, mix. Cool rapidly to +4°C. Add the purée and mix. Leave to mature for 24 hours. Mix and fill the Pacojet bowls, deep freeze. Pacotize before the service, store at -18°C. Brix: tolerance +/-2 (tolerence +/-3 for 100% purées).

Apricot Sorbet (Pacojet)
Heat the water to 45°C. Add the combined dry ingredients while stirring vigorously and mix. Pasteurize at 85°C, mix. Cool rapidly to +4°C. Add the purée and mix. Leave to mature for 24 hours. Mix and fill the Pacojet bowls, deep freeze. Pacotize before the service, store at -18°C. Brix: tolerance +/-2 (tolerence +/-3 for 100% purées)