
Bavaroise Chocolate Guanaja
1. Bring the cream and milk to a boil. 2. Pour over the egg yolks just mixed with sugar. 3. Cook the mixture at 84/85°C until it thickens the back of a spoon. (nappé) 4. Skip through and use immediately or cool quickly before setting aside. 5. Soak the gelatin in a large amount of water and drain. 6. Melt the gelatin in a little custard and pour the rest. 7. Emulsify the Guanaja Heart chocolate cream with a rubber spatula like regular ganache to obtain a smooth, shiny and elastic texture. 8. Check that the temperature of the ganache is between 35°C and 40°C to fold the foaming whipped cream. 9. Pour the Bavarian cream right away.

Bavaroise Apricot
1. in a bain-marie (double boiler) cook the apricot puree, the lemon juice, the sugar, cook to 55℃ 2. Add the gelatine and apricot liquor 3. Wipp the cream well held with the vanilla. 4. Drop the puree at 30℃ and mix it all delicatly

Base Crisp Hazelnut
1. Melt the milk chocolate with cocoa butter at 40°C in the microwave. 2. Mix the praline with hazelnut paste. 3. Add the chocolate and mix gently. 4. Check the temperature and add feuillantine and puffed rice.
1. Make a small leaven, mix hot water, 200g of flour and yeast. 2. Cover with the remaining flour 3. By pushing, the leaven appears in the middle of the flour after about 15 minutes. 4. Add eggs, sugar, salt. 5. Mix with a spoon When the mixture is homogeneous pour the hot butter on the preparation. 6. Preheat the oven to 180°C. 7. Add the butter in the preparation with the spoon After 3 minutes we have the final dough. 8. Put a cloth on the dough. Wait 15 to 20 minutes for the dough to rise slightly. Put it in a mold with a soup spoon or pocket. Fill the savarin mold in half. Put the cloth back on the molds. Wait until the dough rises to ¾ of the mold and put in the oven for about 25 minutes. Unmould, put the savarins on a rack and put them in the oven for 5 minutes to finish cooking and browning. When the savarin or baba is still warm, soak it in the syrup also lukewarm and leave it 5 minutes on the top face and then return to soak the other side for 5 minutes, four times in a row.

Apricot Calamansi Gelified
1. In a large heavy sauce pan, combine purees and heat to 40℃ 2. Combine first measurement of sucrose (1) and pectin and whisk into purées. 3. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously. 4. Add remaining sugar and glucose. Cook to 106℃ 5. Remove from heat and stir in citric acid. 6. Pour into a Silpat lined frame or silicon forms and allow to set.

Tart Normande Filling
1. Mix eggs, egg yolk sugar gently 2. Add the almond powder and pastry cream powder 3. Add the cream and stir well. 4. Pour over a tart fill with apple and bake at 150ºC for 15mn

Apple Filling
1. Peel the apples. 2. Cook the apples with apple juice in a sauce pan. 3. Mix cold water and starch. 4. Bring the juice mixture to a boil. 5. Stir in the starch mixture and return to the boil. 6. Add the remaining ingredients, all spice and butter 7. cook until the aple turn to a nice golden color 8. place in a container and place in the chiller to cool down

Almond Sweet Dough Vanilla
1. Mix the flour and the salted butter (sablé) 2. Add the almond powder, vanilla the icing sugar 3. Add the eggs 4. Mix until perfect incorporation. 5. Add the zest of lemon 6. Place in the chiller

Almond Sweet Dough
Mix the flour and the butter (sablé) Add the almond powder, the salt, the icing sugar and then the eggs. Mix until perfect incorporation. finally add the zest of lemon and place in the refrigerator 24 hours. for tart shell, bake at 140-145ºC for 20mn

Almond tuile caramelized
1. Melt the butter, glucose, honey and sugar in a sauce pan and boil for 1 mn 2. Add the pectin and almonds. 3. Place 40g of the mixture into Flexipan ref 118 and bake at 180°C for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown. 4. Dust with Mycryo cocoa butter as they come out of the oven and cool before inserting into the cake.

Almond Cream Pistachio
1. In a dough mixer, add butter and icing sugar, mix to get a light smooth creamy texture 2. Add mix almond powder and pistachio paste. 3. Add eggs to a light texture. 4. Add the corn flour and kirswasser 5. Keep in cheeler

Almond Cream Pecan nut
1. Add butter and sugar in a mixing bowl and wisk until light pal. 2. Add almond powder, pecan nut flour then the eggs. Add the flour last 3. Mix second speed for 2 minutes. 4. When the almond cream is well blanched, add the white rum. 5. Keep in cheeler +4

Almond Cream and Lemon zest
1. Add butter and sugar in a mixing bowl and wisk until light pal. 2. Add almond powder and then the eggs. Add lemon zest and flour 3. Mix second speed for 2 minutes. 4. When the almond cream and well go up and blanched add the white rum. 5. Keep in cheeler +4°C

Almond Cream
1. Add butter and sugar in a mixing bowl and wisk until light pal. 2. Add almond powder and then the eggs. 3. Mix in second speed for 2 minutes. 4. Add rum when you obtain a creamy texture. 4. Keep in chiller